BOSTON (September 6, 2024) —State Senator Jason Lewis and State Representatives Paul Donato, Steve Ultrino, and Kate Lipper-Garabedian are pleased to announce that the City of Malden has been awarded a $249,750 Shared Streets and Spaces Program grant from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT).
This state grant program provides project funding to help Massachusetts cities and towns design and implement changes to streets and intersections to make them safer and more welcoming for all community members.
The City of Malden will use their grant to construct a neighborhood pedestrian plaza in the Bell Rock neighborhood, new ADA-compliant curb ramps at seventeen intersections citywide, and to install crosswalks at fifty-nine locations citywide.
“I’m very pleased that the City of Malden is receiving a Shared Streets and Spaces grant,” said State Senator Jason Lewis. “This funding will expand accessibility in the community and increase safety for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.”
“It is exciting that Malden is a recipient of MassDOT’s Shared Streets and Spaces Program Grant so that we can make our streets safer and accessible,” said State Representative Paul Donato. “This important funding will allow the community to create more citizen and walk-friendly zones, as well as ADA compliant ramps.”
“I am grateful that the City of Malden was awarded the MassDOT’s Shared Streets and Spaces grant,” said State Representative Steven Ultrino. “The funding will construct safe and accessible infrastructure around Malden to promote road safety among pedestrians and drivers.”
“I am glad to see Malden receive this critical funding to improve the safety of the City's roadways,” said State Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian. “The Shared Streets and Space program funding will improve the safety for vehicle drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists through improved, ADA-compliant curb ramps and new crosswalks across the City.”
“Malden is proud of being a walkable city,” said Malden Mayor Gary Christenson. “A big thank you to our State Delegation for their commitment to enhancing our road, sidewalk, and traffic signal accessibility! This grant ensures that our residents will continue to reap the benefits of safe access to shops, restaurants, parks, and recreation.”
The Shared Streets and Spaces grant program is funded by the Massachusetts legislature.
Press Contact:
Hannah Li
Office of State Representative Steve Ultrino